"All my possessions for a moment of time" - that's what Elizabeth I said and if that would be even remotely possible I would dare saying too...
At the beginning of this new year we have 365 days (more precisely 362 at this very moment), 52 weeks, 12 months and only one year ahead of us...how can we fit all our dreams and "to do" lists in only 8760 hours and furthermore squeeze all the flavours we have in mind out of this time? The conclusion is simple: if we are that wise to take care of the moments, the years will take care of themselves
We're all caught in this chase of THE MOMENT...we even sometimes forget where we're headed to, drowned in this idea of speed, action, now, here or even worse there's no time...lately I have been experiencing a quite stressful period labeled "I do not have enough time" in my mind... but then remembered the edgy situations I have experienced in the past...those situations that won't let you sleep at night...those that would make you vibrate and those that would keep pumpin' adrenaline into your system...and then realized...I love deadlines ...I love deadlines but what I love the most is the whoosing sound they make as they fly by...I dare saying this cause I can't remember a single out-of-the-ordinary event, an exciting adventure or an outstanding achievement without this rush...
I really admire the "planners" and control freaks when faced with deadlines...but I, I need the rush of the moment, that last second before the gong's sound, that very last tiny minute before IT occurs...why? 'cause I'm weired this way and I really enjoy the thrill of the chase with everything it involves: sleepless nights, rapid heartbeat, flashing vision, numbness of the mind and body and the heavy breathing.... all these frightening symptoms make it all worth it and you can bet that such a situation will be definetely engraved in your mind for a very long time...
I remember the exam sessions during faculty years...I can't remember those exams when I felt all relaxed and calm...but oh! how I DO remember the ones that won't let me sleep at night...and guess what...I was not sleeping! I was all awake, feeling no sleep at all, with adreanline pouring through my veins, making me feel like a volcano ready to erupte...when an hour before the exam I was getting dressed holding the file with one hand and using the other to button up my shirt...the times when you think that even 5 more minutes would make a huge difference...my brain seems to cope perfectly fine with these edgy situations and I really enjoy a twisted puzzle in front of me rather than being handed the map of the labyrinth ahead...
Hence, my conclusion is that it's not about the time itself...it's about the journey and the experience it brings along...the people you meet and that are willing to stand on the edge with you and look towards the horizon without fear of the precipice unfolding at their feet...
I would definetely stick to Elizabeth I 's statement if it wasn't for another wise man (H. Jackson Brown) that said "Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same numbers of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresea, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein."
So tell me, do we really need more time when there's no starting or stopping but just doing?